Facebook for business

Facebook for business
A Facebook page has many potential benefits for your business. While some of these benefits are similar to having a website, a number are unique to facebook.

Marketing activities that would cost thousands of dollars through other channels can be used on facebook for fraction of cost. This makes it ideal for small to medium businesses with a limited marketing budget. Larger businesses can also trial marketing concepts and themes through facebook before committing to bigger campaigns

Your Facebook page is a place where you can publicize your business name, address and contact details, and briefly describe your products and services. You can also talk about your staff, history, or any other aspect of your business that is likely to attract other Facebook users and create interest in what you do.

 Step 1. Set up your page
Create the hub for your business on facebook. Your facebook page makes your business:

  • Discoverable: when people search for you on facebook, they’ll be able to find you.
  • Connected: have one on one conversation with your customers who can like your page, read your post and share them with friends and check in when they visit
  • Timely: your page can help you reach large groups of people frequently, with messages tailored to their needs and interests
  • Insightful: Analytics on your page will give you a deeper understanding of your customers and your marketing activities.

When you set up your page, you can request a web address example- facebook.com/yourgreatcompany, which makes it easy to find. Facebook page is extension of your business

Step 2. Identify Your Audience
Think about whom you’d like to meet and introduce yourself. Not only can you reach more people through Facebook, you can reach the specific people who are most likely to become your customers.

To build your audience, encourage your current customers and supports to like your page. They’re the people most likely to see your post in their newsfeed.

  • Invite your friends
  • Share your page
  • Invite your businesses contacts

Step 3. Create Compelling Content
Make your business come alive on facebook
As your post updates photos and more, think about what your customers find interesting and inspiring. How will you talk to them? What do you want to consistently communicate about your business?
Experiment with different kinds of post example photos with useful links

  • Be authentic
  • Be responsive
  • Be consistent
  • Do what works
  • Make successful posts into successful promotion

 Step 4. Advertise
Reach more of the people who matter most to you, once you have started connecting with your customers on facebook.

  • Go creazy with images – add multiple images to your ads
  • Take advantage of advanced targeting options- facebook has ton of awesome and unique targeting option for FB paid ads and you wont find anywhere elsewhere. You can get audience by location, age, gender, workplace, relationship status, language, education and more.
  • Host a contest – in the past marketers were required to use a third partly application for FB contest, but favebook recently changed their policy and allows contest to be hosted directly on facebook. Hosting a giveaway or contest on facebook has never been easier
  • Share testimonials on favebook- testimonial are always powerful, and that rule continues on facebook. However it’s good to think outside the box when delivering testimonials on social network.

 And Voila! You have a facebook businesspage.

Sarah DrysdaleComment